Avantree - Wireless TV Headphones
We’re proud to be
the most loved Wireless
TV Headphones brand.*
*As determined by Amazon customer reviews.
Vision and Mission
We are passionate about creating wireless audio devices that enhance people’s audio experiences enabling them to thrive socially and emotionally.
Our Philosophy
Everyone deserves to engage, enjoy and experience life to the fullest, regardless of age or ability. We believe a company’s contribution to the world is to make it a slightly better place because of its existence. At Avantree, we’re committed to addressing the needs of those who are often overlooked by most other wireless audio companies - those who don’t have “perfect” hearing.

What Makes Us Unique?

Extended Warranty

We double the industry standard with a 24-month warranty for all of our products.

Direct CEO Engagement

Booked a support call? There's a good chance you interacted directly with our CEO. She reads & responds to hundreds of support tickets & calls throughout the week in order to better understand the needs & wants of our users.

Community Collaboration

We love when our community takes the time to give suggestions on product features & improvements, and we foster that relationship by offering free products to users whose suggestions are implemented.

Real, Never-Faked Reviews

All of our reviews on Amazon and our website are 100% genuine - no paid submissions, just real feedback from actual users.

Quality Emphasis

Almost all of our products incorporate cutting-edge Qualcomm Bluetooth chips that provide better audio and a more stable connection compared to cheap alternative chipsets.

Continuous Improvement

Some of our flagship products have been refined over six generations, with each generation undergoing up to 100 firmware revisions in the development stage. With each revision, we implement user feedback in order to create the best possible product.

Custom Layout Example

Our Locations

  • San Jose, US
  • London, UK
  • Gdynia, POLAND
  • Vancouver, CANADA
  • Shenzhen, CHINA
  • Hong Kong, CHINA


私たちは環境を損なうことなく高齢者の生活を改善するよう努めています。これに合わせて、当社では 24 か月保証が付いている信頼性の高い製品を構築することで、使い捨てよりも耐久性を重視しています。また、リサイクル材料を利用した環境に優しい梱包を使用し、環境負荷を継続的に見直して、よりクリーンな地球を維持する取り組みを行っています。